Sound Analysis

We were given the task to analyse the sound in a 6 minute clip, this would include;


    • Non-Diegetic Sound : Sound deliberatley edited into the clip/video.. to create mood, atmosphere, tension and signifies change. The characters are not able to hear this.
      • Narrators commentary
      • Sound effects
      • Mood music
    • Diegetic                       : Sound that the characters are able to hear, the audience can get a sense of realism, its authentic
      • Voices of characters
      • Sounds made by objects
      • Music from instruments in the story (source music)
    • Foley (Non-Diegetic): Sound effects that have been put there deliberalty
      • Explosions
      • Birds chirping
    • Sound Motif               : The repeating of a sound effect or music throughout the clip/video/film
    • Atmospheric Sound  : Usually non-diegectic music that can increase in volume or decrease to create different moods
      • Volume increase – creates an increase in tension

Kill Bill Task – Mise en scene

For this task, we were put into groups of three and we had to recreate a freeze frame from a beginning shot of the film Kill Bill.


Firstly, we discussed what we needed to do so that we could remake the shot as accurate as possible, this included the make up – blood, cuts, dark shadows, the props, sweating face – bridal veil, location – we decided the drama studios or the theatre would be the best place, the lighting – black and white, highlighted face, facial expression – frowning, looks like she’s in pain, scared.

Roles: Florence – make up/bride

Phoebe – make up/bride

Lucy – props

When it came to actually doing it, the problem we encountered was that neither Flo nor Phoebe could be the bride, so this meant that I had to be the bride.

We planned to prepare and take the shot at Monday lunchtime, and we did so in the drama studios. I thought that Phoebe and Flo did an amazing job of putting the make up and the fake blood onto me, although it was a struggle getting it as accurate as possible. We also found that it was quite hard to get the right lighting where one side of the face was completely dark while the other side was highlighted. The solution was to put something dark by the right side of me while shining a light on the other, also to put more black makeup on one side of my face as well. I feel that I could have tried to get my facial expressions a bit more intense than I did because it would have made the picture a bit more dramatic and the mood of the scene would have come across a lot more.

But overall, I think that we learnt a lot about what goes into a film, about how much time and effort and that the directors and other people involved in the film have a lot to think about when they do make it so lots of different emotions and meanings are revealed and shown to the audience. We also communicated well so that we were able to gather up different props and ideas:


Our final piece:


We experimented with different filters to see which would look better, the top right and bottom left both give the same effect of a gloomy atmosphere, the top left makes the bride look dead, and the bottom right which is I think they best representation of the original image, shows a dark mood.

Plan of Freeze Frames and their scripts (tv drama-soap opera)

1) 00:47 – Social and Domestic Settings – This is an example of a social and domestic setting, as it is set in a family kitchen with multiple characters which lead to unlimited story lines. It is a long shot camera angle to show the mise en scene and the domestic setting.

2) 01:35 – Strong Female Characters – This is a freeze frame of strong female characters due to the fact that she acts more dominant than the man, by enforcing her power that he cannot mess her around. It also involves shot/reverse shot so you can see both of their reactions and their perspectives.

3) 02:07 – Multiple Plots – This picture shows the multiple plots, because she reciecves a text message which leads to another storyline. It is a close up of the text message so the audience can see what the actor is reading; this helps the viewer relate to the show.

4) 02:16 – Simplified Characters – A simplified character is shown by having a basic sterotype of a child, by him colouring in the kitchen. They have used this actor becasue he is a young boy who cannot have a complex plot. He is wearing school uniform to show his age, which also represents the sterotype. The lighting is brigh and is entering from behind him, showing him as an innocent actor.

5) 03:39 – Never-Ending Story-Line – We can see the never ending storyline becasue the clip is to just about to finish, but the actors have stopped talking half way through a conversation, implying that the story will carry on in the next episode. The composition shows both actors facing the camera which conveys that something is about to happen, leading to another never ending storyline.

Media Consumption

It is important to have an understanding of the media so that you are not influenced much by different sources, newspapers, posters or journalists so that you are able to make a non boast judgement for yourself, so that our can make your own opinion. Media is also the way to get the news of the world like disasters, politics or economics so understanding how the media works is very important to get information. It can also help us to communicate with each other, to out forward our own opinions or influence others, it is a way to find out the latest news in celebrities to make their reputation increase or rapidly drop. Understanding how the media works can help for you I distinguish what you are being told is the truth, a lie or that you are not getting the entire story. Therefore, media plays a major role in our lives to help us influence or make our own opinions and decisions to small or big issues, it can also provide many people with entertainment. Things like the news, documentaries, the radio, magazines and newspapers are all seen, read or heard of by everyone at least once a day which makes it a very big part of our lives, most peoples lives are revolved around what information they get from the media to make conversation with others or as it may be their job.





Mise-en-scene notes

  • Mise-en-scene means all of the things found in the frame of a shot or a scene
  • Includes: Location, Sets, Casting, Make-up, Costume, Props, Lighting, Composition
  • French word for ‘placing on a stage’
  • The word ‘Mise-en-scene’ is used to collectively say all the design elements that go into the making of a particular film
  • Different directors have completely different takes on the way they interpret mise-en-scene
  • Mise-en-scene is the visual identity of a film

Cover Work

Extract A:

1) The first video is the soap genre n the TV drama because I know that this clip is from the show Eastenders. It is also made obvious that it is a soap opera due to the social and domestic setting as all the characters of this one particular family are having a ‘normal’ conversation round the dinner table which is very like how an average day would be like in the real world. They are also talking about someones past history which turns into a controversial topic because of the feature of moral nature of storylines. Lastly, another ‘give away’ is the amount of strong female characters in this video which shows us that it is a soap opera.

2) They begin by talking about Patrick’s life back in Jamaica which sparks off interest from other characters around the dinner table. When they ask what it was like moving to England, a bit of tension build sup because the scene ends on all the characters having a saddened look on their face as they reflect the past.

3) The age range in this video ranges from young adult to about middle-aged and early fifties. Because of this, the topic of conversation is going to be adult discussion as there are no children involved. An example is when they start to talk about the past of England when more different racial groups and cultures were migrating to Britain and so there was a bit of racial tension. The focused character in this scene – Patrick, explains a little of wha happened when he first moved here from Jamaica and how the English citizens reacted to lots of people coming here. This controversial issue displays the age of which people should be watching this programme as this wouldnt usually be discussed in front of children.

Extract B:

1) This video is a soap kind of drama but at the same time isn’t. I find it difficult to tell what kind of drama this is but it is definitely a British Drama because of mainly the accents but the style of which it has been edited and the kind of dreariness of the colours reflects the weather and mood of Britain. I find it similar to the Waterloo Road series apart from the big difference is that Waterloo Road is a teenage drama and this video is clearly made for adults by what they are talking about and the fact that all the characters are adults aswell.

2) Drama is created by the build-up to the dads outburst to the fact that he doesn’t approve of his daughters choice in boyfriends. Throughout the video, the main male character stays in a sour, spiteful mood, this is due to the daughters boyfriend not being his standard, although he dresses in a suit so he looks well paid and well-mannered but seems to be older aswell.

3) The representation of age during this scene can be shown through the mis-en-scene, it is set in an older persons looking house due to the furniture and the colours schemes of the walls and the room which are very natural colours which shows them to be worn out and tired looking which could resemble how the father is feeling. It also gives us a negative outlook on what’s to come during the scene because of the gloomy colours, this is followed through where the man is not in a good mood when talking to his daughters boyfriend.

Extract 3:

1) This extract is on the type of drama called crime because you can clearly see that the setting of this clip is in a prison which means that the whole show is going to be based around this kind of drama due to the characters and the mis-en-scene. The main character is most likely to of done the crime or is the person investigating the crime scene and the setting and colours would usually be dark and gloomy and also bold colours but that don’t stand out.

2) Drama is created in this extract by camera shots, for example; about 22 seconds into the video, they make a close up shot on his eyes as they dart around the room, this builds up a bit of tension because his weariness from the quick, worried movements from his eyes creates tension to the viewer. also the colour theme in this video was quite a strong pale-ish blue, it kind of reflects a calming atmosphere to the audience so maybe this episode doesn’t have as much drama in it.

3) Age is represented in this video by the use of colour in the room and of what people are wearing. For example; the police officers are wearing white and black which is a very formal and sophisticated colour, it also implies their authority over the inmates at the prison and symbolises the strictness and discipline.